Why I Blog — CookieCrazie

Why I Blog

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

When I first started blogging, I wanted to keep
a written/photographic record of learning about cookie decorating.

As I began to sell my cookies to raise money
for Ukraine missions, my blog was part of my portfolio.

But in the last couple of years, I've realized how much interest there is in cookie decorating. Everyone seems to want to know the ins and outs of the art. Since I'm a little unique in that I use glaze icing instead of royal icing......it made sense to start sharing information about how to decorate cookies with glaze icing. That whole avenue has grown over time, and now I find myself making lots of tutorials of how I do what I do. Who would have thought that anyone really desired this information from me?! I'm amazed at that.....and grateful for those who follow my blog and encourage me along the way. :)

But my ultimate goal
in this blog,
in cookie decorating,
and in the cookies I make....
is to do it ALL for the glory of God.
He's given it all to me and I want Him to be acknowledged
for how He can take even COOKIES
and do phenomenal things through them. :)

I'm so excited about my fun little "hobby"....
that has raised thousands of dollars for Ukraine missions,
brought smiles and joy to many,
and even encouraged some Ukrainian women
to possibly use cookie decorating as a means of income.

How cool is that!

To God be the glory.....great things He has done. :)

Just a little reminder to me.......
to slow down and savor the incredible blessings I have each and every day. :)

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