Birthday Party Cookie Prep.....In FULL Swing! — CookieCrazie

Birthday Party Cookie Prep.....In FULL Swing!

We're getting ready to PARTY!
Put on your party dress and start getting ready
.....we're gonna have SO MUCH FUN!

But there is much to do before Sunday.
First we must send out the invitations.
Would you help me?

We can't have a birthday party without balloons, now can we?

We'll need some candles for the cake....

Oh....and I just happened to bake up a cake today.....
so let's add the candles on top so it is completely ready. :)

OK....we're almost there. 

LOTS of fun surprises coming your way......
so don't miss the fun.

And if you haven't signed-up for the 
you best HIT THIS LINK and do it!

And be looking through your birthday cookie photos
and find your favorites. hint hint

And a HUGE surprise tomorrow.....
a special birthday guest post from a very dear friend. :)

I'm excited!
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