Time to Get "Back To Normal" — CookieCrazie

Time to Get "Back To Normal"

I've come to the conclusion that it is not possible to "get back to normal" after a death of a close loved one. In fact, I don't think things can ever be the same. You learn so much from watching death happen. Most of all....that life is SUPER precious. Today is a gift. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.....so you better live today to its fullest. Get rid of the bad attitude, the "I wish"es or the "I want"s and just be content and enjoy what you already have. Life is far better than we give it credit for. When you watch death.....you realize how good life is.

These last few days we've been so busy getting Pat's things in order that I haven't really dealt with the reality of the situation. But today, after saying good-bye to my dear sister, Carol, and her husband.....who are returning to their home in Florida.....I can tell it is going to be a sad day. Now I'll be alone most of the day trying to catch up on everything that got neglected in the last week. And the pain of loss suddenly is overwhelming. :(

And might I add.....I do NOT like saying good-bye....

I decided it was time to get moving on the blog again. I'm gone all this coming weekend to my in-laws....so if I waited until we returned on Monday.....it will be a REALLY long time being away. Besides, my cookie-ing is therapy for me......so it feels good to do something I love.

I had a small order of birthday cookies to do this week. It was tough to get them done.....but it was the most normal thing I did this week. I'm glad I took the extra effort to do it. 

Back to princess cookies......they make me smile. :)

In my next post.....I'll show you how I created this carriage shape.

This is my favorite dress. 

Hopefully I'll be able to post tomorrow before I leave on a trip to Memphis for the holiday weekend.

Thanks everyone. You all are the best!
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