I Heart Ukraine :) — CookieCrazie

I Heart Ukraine :)

Only 24 hrs left until we depart for Ukraine. Why is it that those last few hours......I start spinning in circles? lol

Thankfully I got a lot done yesterday......so today I just have a "short" list. I'm sure I'll be adding to it throughout the day. My hope is to actually go to bed at a decent hour tonight so I'm not super tired when I leave (like usual), but we shall see.

I made some fun cookies for my ministry team members. I saw this incredible cookie from JP Creatibles on FB, and decided to do my own Ukraine version of it, including putting the UA flag design over the base of the country shape. I like how they turned out. :)

I don't know if I'll post anything while I'm gone. Right now, we are not certain if we'll have wireless where we're staying. We can always go up to the seminary (where we usually stay) for wireless.....but it won't be convenient. That may mean that when I'm online, the only thing I'll have time to do is update my Ukraine blog and Facebook. So if you'd like to follow my UA blog, check HERE

When I return home.....I'll have lots of fun Christmas cookies to share with you. I entered a Cookie Decorating contest where we had to do sets of four Christmas ornaments. I have SIX sets......so like I said......lots of cookies.:)
I also have a pictorial on using my KopyKake to make those graduation cookies with logos.

And finally, I have some fun tea pot cookies to share.

So stay tuned......I'll be back.

For now, I'm off to learn much from the Ukrainian people.....and hopefully in the process I can love on them and encourage them in their faith. I hope to share cookie related things from the trip when I return.

Blessings to you all.
(And thanks so much for your kind words, well wishes, and prayers....they are MUCH appreciated!)

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