Besides Easter..... — CookieCrazie

Besides Easter.....

A random post.....letting you know I've been doing lots more than just Easter decorating.....

First, a tip I wanted to share with you from Laura from A Dozen Eggs blog. She suggested this to me a few weeks ago, and it has been a terrific addition to taking better care of my metal cookie cutters.

Since most cookie cutters can easily rust......make sure they are completely dry after washing them by putting them in your warm oven after you've baked your cookies. (Don't put plastic ones in the oven! ;)) After 10 minutes or so, they will be dry (and very be careful!) and ready to put away after they cool off.

Here's another neat trick I discovered a few weeks ago.
When my cookies are too close in the baking process and end up melding together.....

....while they are still warm, I take the wide end of my handy dandy Cookie Scraper (Karen calls it a "boo boo stick")......

and carefully wedge it in between the cookies to separate them quite nicely.


Here's a project I did for someone's 20th high school reunion. They wanted plaid squares in colors and design close to the uniforms they wore in school (cloth swatch shown above the cookies). This was a completely different kind of plaid then I'd done before, so it was a bit of a challenge. Plus, I remember........I was doing these amidst what seemed like a million baby onesies. ;) how was that for a completely random, non-Easter cookie post. ;)
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