A Birthday Cookie Cake — CookieCrazie

A Birthday Cookie Cake

Someone asked me to make a birthday cookie cake for their daughter. I had never made such a large cookie before, and I was a bit nervous.

Since it was so large (about the size of a small pizza), I was concerned that it would not get done in the middle. And then there was the issue of what to bake it in and then how to present it to the customer. I finally settled on buying a disposable aluminum pizza pan....and everything worked out fine.

Decorating such a large surface was very new to me. I know it is like decorating a cake, but I had never done it before. And let's just say, I wasn't very good at making enough of the main colored icing that would cover the majority of the cake. I had no idea it would take that much! Also....the icing dries faster than you want when you are covering that big of an area. I ended up with a "dry line" down part of the middle area. :(

This was the first time I've used my KopyKake.....finally! I wanted the writing to look nice, so I jumped over that hurdle of using a new contraption (sometimes that is hard to do). I was pretty happy about how the writing turned out. And now that I've used the KK.....I anticipate I will use it more often. Somehow I had to get over the "fear & unknown" of using it. Must have worked....because I used it yesterday for some tricky golf cookies I am working on. :)

For presentation of the cookie cake, I chose the window box I'd gotten from BRP Box Shop. How cool that you could see the majority of the design. :)

Coming up this weekend..... I'll show you some train cookies I did last week. Another first for me......I hadn't done trains before and they pure joy to decorate. :)
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