Christmas Party Cookies — CookieCrazie

Christmas Party Cookies

Phewww......I did it......I got those 120 cookies done yesterday. There were even New Years cookies in that bunch. Hopefully I can get them photographed today and show you later this week.

Can I just say......I'm exhausted. I love Christmas.....but I've been pushing myself for days now and I think I need a vacation. lol Just kidding.....I'm loving it all. For some reason this week's orders were harder to do, I guess because I started tired after the busy weekend.

Now all that's left is catching up from all the things I've not done for a week because of the party and the orders.......and then trying to get prepared for Christmas weekend. But it is always fun to anticipate our family gatherings and fun I'm looking forward to it all. 

I only got one photo of all the cookies I made for the Christmas party last Saturday.....but at least I have it.

It was fun to see this big pile of cookies disappear. There were a few left, but not too many. (You have to realize that we had LOTS of yummy food at the party, so I'm not surprised there were some left over.)

I must get busy. Only three days until Christmas. I just read that it is supposed to snow on Christmas Eve. Yippee! (ummmmm....except that I have to work on Christmas Day.....and I hope it is not too hard to get to work at 5:30 AM. It's bad enough that I have to work on Christmas Day.....but if it is hard to get there because of snow, that's not nice at all.)
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