Cookie Tree! — CookieCrazie

Cookie Tree!

I baked and decorated up a storm the last few days......and finally have my cookie tree filled with cookies. So now I just need some guests.......hmmmm.....where could I find visitors who would like to have a cookie????

Here's my fun little tree. I think it is a little stressed right now because it has over 30 cookies on it. hee hee

And now I get to show you some of my Christmas cookie designs. Yippee!!!!

I made a yummy chocolate cookie with peppermint icing. Since I was using the dark background of the chocolate cookie......I decided to try something I've not done very much.....white on white, and white with very pale pastels. I like the results. :)

It has a really different look than the traditional colors (which is what I usually do), but oh, how fun to add all kinds of disco dust and sanding sugar and make them sparkle. I wish the photos showed you all the decoration.I'm so happy I tried these colors.

Lots more to come in the next several days.......

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