More Cookie Camp 2010 Pics :)

Just a few more pics of cookie camp.
These were taken by other campers......Jen (Posh Pastries) and Karen (SugarDeaux)

Here's most of the campers posing in front of the most amazing view close to Cookie Camp
(in Smoky Mountains, TN).

 Lisa's son was concerned for her getting together with all these people from the Internet and not really knowing them (something we've all taught our kids was a bad, bad thing!). We joked that we might hit her over the head with a rolling pin.
We took this photo for her to show her son how dangerous we all are. :)))))))

A fun photo of campers shopping at Hobby Lobby. :)

 Here's the collections of cookies we all did.
It is amazing how different a leaf, dress, flower, & crown can be!

Look at Jen's version of a crown cookie (top right corner). It's a ballerina's legs and skirt. Amazing!

Look at all the ideas the decorators came up with for a candy corn cookie!

Here's a fun project we did. We wanted to surprise, Alan.....Lisa's husband (the camp director) with a special cookie gift since he prepared all the meals for us. Each of us received a square cookie and decorated with a letter to form a cute and very unique cookie message to Alan. =) 

My favorite picture of the "dozen decorators". Everyone of these ladies has become so special to me!

Can't wait until next year......
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