Happy 21st Birthday Neil! — CookieCrazie

Happy 21st Birthday Neil!

It's my son, Neil's, 21st birthday today. I made him some special cookies as he is still away at college. (In fact, today is a finals day for him.) I thought these might brighten his day despite having to take a final on his birthday.

He LOVES photography so I made him some cameras. He attends Hannibal LaGrange College, so I did their logo.

He just received them in the mail (YAY.....they arrived on his birthday!) and so now I can let everyone else see them too. :-)

I had hoped to make more Christmas cookies this week....but I've been so sick that I just couldnt' get up the desire and/or energy to do it. Hopefully I make some more next week right before Christmas to take to the family, etc.
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