FAQ Posted — CookieCrazie

FAQ Posted

As I continue to lay here in bed waiting for my foot/ankle to heal, I thought I'd add FAQ to the right side bar of this blog. So many people ask me the same questions......so it seemed like it might save me some time if I could just refer them there. Check it out. :-)

I was very disappointed this week when at my first post-op doctor visit I learned that, yes, I'm now allowed to walk on my heel for the next five weeks (and not put any weight on the main part of my foot because of the bone fusion).......BUT.....it probably will be too uncomfortable to do so since I had major work done on my Achilles tendon too. Sure enough, just trying to get my foot to push down into the boot has been a chore. And it doesn't seem like it will be any time soon that I'll be able to put my body's weight on my heel. :-( I was hoping for a little normality after the first visit.....but it looks like it could be a while before I can walk at all. Sad day.

Oh well, at least I'm making the most of it. I'm trying to improve my blog and keep myself as active as I'm allowed.

Thanks for hangin' with me.
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