— CookieCrazie

Another attempt at the same Christmas cookies.

I only used shiny hard icing and they turned out better than last time. I'm getting the hang of the thicker icing for the embellishments.....still not as 3D as with the butter/shortening icing or the royal icing.....but good enough. :-))))
Look at this awesome snowflake. The only thing I didn't like about it is it breaks easy if you try to pick it up by one of the points. :-( I ended up with 2 instead of 3, but learned from my mistake.

And look how cute these snowmen heads turned out with ear muffs!!!

Another top hat snowman. :-)

Some other close-ups.

I only have plans for one more batch of Christmas cookies....and that is with my girls tomorrow or Tuesday. They want to "play" and not make "formal" cookies like me.....so I'm not sure I'll take pics. We'll see.
Merry Christmas to you all! Remember the real reason for the season......JESUS came to earth to make a way for us to be God's children. :-)
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