Tis the Season for Glaze (CookieCon Add-On Workshop) — CookieCrazie

Tis the Season for Glaze (CookieCon Add-On Workshop)

CookieCon 2018 in Indianapolis, Indiana happens Sept 12-15, 2018. 

CookieCrazie classes offered before CookieCon 2018 are now available for purchase by the general public. You DO NOT have to have a ticket to CookieCon to enroll in one of these classes.

To register for a CookieCon Add-On Workshop, go HERE.

Tis the Season for Glaze is offered on Thursday, September 13 at two times ( AM=8AM-12PM   PM=2PM-6PM ). There are openings in the Thursday AM class, but NOT in the Thursday PM class. (A waiting list is available for the full class, if you so desire.) Details HERE

Thurs AM & Thurs PM CookieCon 2018 Add-On Workshops
Hands On Instruction To Decorate Five Christmas Cookie Designs
Let's explore many creative techniques using corn syrup glaze icing to create Christmas decorated cookies together. With such a wide array of possibilities to create texture – from molding cookie dough, layering glaze icing, embossing partially dried glaze, and adding edible clay embellishments, there will be lots of tips and tricks shared to allow each student to come away with many things to incorporate into their own decorating style.

To register for a CookieCon Add-On Workshop, go HERE.

Contact us with any questions.

What a joy it will be to see many of you and to decorate cookies together!
Let's do this!

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